Pastimes is a small, colorful shop packed with an ever-changing array of useful and beautiful vintage and antique items.

We specialize in antique and vintage jewelry, clothing, art, textiles, ephemera, and early postcards. We also carry early buttons, beads, antique photographs, silver, pins and medals, vinyl records, toys, furniture, glassware, other household items, and various unexpected oddments and curiosities.

Pastimes is located in downtown Ithaca in The Dewitt Mall, a historic building that houses two great restaurants and a variety of unique shopping venues.


Dewitt Mall
215 North Cayuga Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
(Enter mall on Seneca or Buffalo Street)

Map and Directions


  • * Tuesday - Thursday - Noon - 6:00 PM
  • * Friday - Monday: 11:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Email: [email protected]
Phone: (607)-277-3457

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We Buy

Do you have old treasures you’d like to sell? We invite you to email photos to [email protected] or call (607)-277-3457 for an appointment with a buyer.

Things we’re looking for:

We buy gold, silver, and costume jewelry from the 19th and 20th centuries. We especially like southwestern, art nouveau, art deco, enamel, hand-painted, and signed jewelry.
Vintage Clothing
We buy women’s and men’s vintage clothing in good condition from the 19th century through the 1980’s. Bring in a single item or a trunkful!
Vintage Textiles
We buy vintage and antique quilts, tapestries, blankets, fabrics, ribbons, table and bed linens, lace and trim.
We buy interesting old framed and unframed oil paintings, watercolors, prints, posters, sculptures, carvings, folk art, and travel souvenirs from days gone by.
We are always looking for American postcards from 1905 thru 1915 in excellent condition. .
We buy vintage and antique toys, games, and children’s books. We especially like dollhouses, dollhouse furniture, and other miniatures.
We buy 19th and early 20th century buttons including picture buttons, enamels, glass, metal, large or carved mother of pearl, vegetable ivory, deco, bakelite, and realistics.
We seek old photographs, tintypes, daguerreotypes, and ambrotypes, the more interesting and unusual the subject matter the better.
We like small advertising items including tins, mirrors, premiums, giveaways, catalogs. blotters, etc.
Pinback Buttons, Political and Militaria
We are looking for 19th and 20th century political and military items: pins, ribbons, paper, etc.
We are interested in antiques/collectibles including boxes, candlesticks, flatware, silver, pens, ink wells, perfume bottles, pocket knives, paper ephemera, and other unique items.
